Thursday, 28 August 2014

SOLO & Literacy Teaching Y0-Y13

The learning goal changes, the model of learning can be the same.

This week @annekenn  asked a few NZ educators, including myself, to share how we use SOLO Taxonomy when teaching literacy for a NZ Literacy Online Update. I haven't met the other educators who contributed 'face to face', but enthusiastically follow both @ginnynz01 and @elizmcneill through our awesome NZ PLN on Twitter #EdchatNZ. I do hope to meet them one day soon.

The work NZ educators are doing with using SOLO Taxonomy in classrooms is innovative, thoughtful and has our learners' interests at the heart of all that we do.
Without a shadow of a doubt, I think this is a reflection of the model from whom we have all learnt. 

Thank you, Pam. @arti_choke

I am feeling pretty proud of the resulting post:

As Anne would say.... #Magic :-D

Wednesday, 27 August 2014

SOLO, Learning, Games & Connected Fun!

Tomorrow my class will participate in and contribute to a #KidsEdChatNZ Twitter discussion with other students around NZ. It is our first time. We will be discussing how games (traditional and e-based) can contribute to our learning. We are Prestructural about joining twitter chats as a class, so we needed to start by finding out one thing about it..."Ms Casse, how are we going to talk to all the kids at the same time?" 

This afternoon we looked through the questions that will guide the discussion - these are provided in advance on - Do have a look at this awesome blog that is managed by the innovative, passionate group of NZ educators who began #kidsedchatNZ 
In response, we though we needed to explore so we could contribute our ideas. We gathered a range of games to see if we could identify what we could learn through playing them.

I asked them to self-organise groups of learners who would use each game depending on their SOLO assessed understanding of it. Learners who assessed themselves as Extended Abstract at playing a particular game buddied up to teach learners who assessed themselves as Prestructural/Unistructural players.

So, what did they notice?
Snakes & ladders - they noticed it helped them practise counting & 'finding the numbers', 
Guess Who - playing this helped them ask 'good questions', 
Hungry Fish on the iPad helped them match numbers that added together to feed the fish. 
Charades - they noticed they had to use reading skills, think quickly, act ideas out (also oral language skills!). The learners playing this game needed more support from me as the 'Extended Abstract players' reassessed their level of understanding. But is was the most popular game!

We were all learning how to work together and we were all noticing how we were learning. 
We were learning with and without technology, but tomorrow we will use technology to connect with other awesome learners we have never met. We will break through the walls of our MLE, bring the outside world in, and put our ideas out there. We will be mindful of how & what we share. I have set up a class account and only non-identifiable learner information will be shared. It's our first step into the world of connecting Room 21 learners with other NZ learners in real time and we are excited! 
By 3pm tomorrow, I predict my learners will assess themselves as at least Multistructural at connecting with others online! 

Oh, and I received a next step from a couple of my learners. "We use Minecraft, it's great!" To which I declared "I am Unistructural at using Minecraft", I know many outstanding educators use it with success, but I haven't tried. I'm open to learning though, so.... I asked my learners to explain to me how they think it will help them learn in class? If it will help them learn, we should be open to doing it! A Y1 small group Inquiry project perhaps?! Watch this space... I will be listening to my 'student voice'. 

Friday, 22 August 2014

Using SOLO Taxonomy to Empower Youngest Learners

I truly think "If I had more time I would..." is a very understandable, realistic response to so many questions asked of teachers! Expectations for accountability and meeting 'standards' can become overwhelming.

A conversation I had with @ewanmcintosh at the 'Working in our Wired World' conference in Rotorua this year (as I expected!) activated wondering...

How am I making what I HAVE to do, balance & work with what my learners and I WANT to do?

We all know there are always going to be things we just HAVE to do...

This post is focused on literacy and numeracy (though I do believe holistic development of our learners IS most important).
As a teacher, there are outcomes I must help my learners to meet. I help little ones learn how to read, and write. I help them learn how to count forwards and backwards, add/subtract.. I help them learn how to 'do' school. As an early years teacher, I know these skills are important foundational skills to learn, and these are goals that take effort and time to achieve.
I think though, the most important thing I can I help them do is notice how to learn, so they can apply the strategies to learn anything THEY want. Be empowered, sustainable 'life-long learners'.

I want my young learners to notice:
They are already experienced learners,
They can learn how to learn anything,
Learning is a process - it requires effort.

I love teaching early literacy and numeracy skills. I do find that many of my learners WANT to read,write and 'do' maths. In these early years I see this as valid 'inquiry':

"Ms Casse, what does that say?" (Prestrucural at knowing letter names & sounds)
Let's find out what some of those squiggles we refer to as 'letters' are called and what some of the sounds are, with lots of help at first (Unistructural), then less help (Multistructural).
"Yep I got this now - I know these letter names and sounds!"(Relational)
What if we use our knowledge to do something else? To read simple high frequency words, blends, chunks? Can I help someone else learn their letter sounds? (Extended Abstract - for this learning outcome)

This is where I see SOLO Taxonomy as being SO useful - the symbols and signals we use mean it's a visible reference for my learners to connect with. I find using Pam Hook's HOOKEd Visual Rubrics are instrumental to the success of this. I am always 'thinking aloud' and 'noticing learning' so that the how of learning becomes more visible and ingrained in our classroom culture. They are not just learning letters, they are learning to learn as well.

Using SOLO when teaching early years learners to be early readers (or writers, mathematicians, scientists, artists...), helps to make the pathway between "I can't read that" and "I can read that and I understand it!" become visible and manageable. They don't need to know how to read it instantly - it's not luck that will help them, they just need to know how to take their very next step. This is particularly helpful I find, with those learners who are reluctant in case they make a mistake. Meeting that very next step is attainable!

SOLO Taxonomy is as applicable to 'learning to read letters' as it is to 'learning anything'.
I am using it now to help me learn to share my practice more! We are all in the early stages of something!

My next steps: I am looking forward to taking part in +Sonya Van Schaijik 's TeachmeetNZ in October talking about using SOLO with early years learners, and presenting at Ulearn.

But please remember the BEST place to go to learn about classroom based practice using SOLO Taxonomy is NZ's own Pam Hook's site:

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

SOLO Taxonomy, planning for writing with Year 0 and Year 1

This morning I tried doing something in a different way...
Each morning when I call the roll, I ask each learner a question. Sometimes it might be related to our Inquiry theme, sometimes it's a question just for fun (to build relationships), sometimes I ask what they ate for breakfast (to check if they did!)... I figure I have already said "Hi" to each one as they came in, and let's face it, we have to be clever with our time management in that short face-to-face time we have with our learners - there's a LOT to pack in!!

So this morning I asked them "What is one thing that makes you feel happy?" This was a popular question that generated a lot of excitement and enthusiasm, so I diverted from the plan and offered if they would like to write about this? Overall, WALT write sentences to share a message, hear and record sounds, use a wordcard/other sources to locate and record words. Personalised IALTs are constructed with independent learners.

Ever since being introduced to SOLO, I have used the HOT maps to plan for modelling writing depending on the learning intention. I have always used a 'Sequence rubric' to plan recounts and narratives. When I first saw Pam Hook's Describe++ map a few years ago, I liked the idea of the 'See, Think, Wonder' format for framing writing, and I have used it with varying degrees of success due to my own developing understanding of how to use it effectively.

Following Pam Hook's session at #EdchatNZ conference, I have been printing independent 'See, Think, Wonder' writing prompts (a wonderful idea from Waimairi School educators!) for my kids to use in their writing books if they choose to and think it will help them plan.
Many of them do:
"I like it because it gives me a small space to plan, my plan isn't too big now and I do more writing." (from a learner whose writing goal was to put less focus on her picture plan and more on the writing!) "I like it, it helps put my ideas in order."

I have been reflecting on how this is working with my early writers. The 'See, Think, Wonder' has been taken literally by many; most of the sentences for the early writers consisted of "I can see..." . I would be happy with two simple sentences or a compound sentence in response to the "See" part. EG "The bubble is big and round." or "The bubble is round. The bubble popped". They are not yet ready to explain ideas in written form - they can absolutely draw, and talk about it and I can scribe, but learning those first High Frequency Words (other than I, can and see) is important. We need to teach 'how' to write.

SO, today I pulled out my HOT SOLO Learning Verbs Rubric alongside the writing modeling book. I reminded myself and my learners that the 'See' is our Uni/Multistrucural part of our plan - we want to show, tell, (IDENTIFY) what we are talking about and say one, then more than one thing about it (DESCRIBE). The 'Think' is the Relational part of our plan - we want to make a connection, explain why, how, or elaborate with examples. The 'Wonder' is the part where we can consider the idea in a new way (IMAGINE, CREATE), or overall (GENERALISE) What is most important? What else could I do? What might I do now?

I handed out the plans as per, but today I scaffolded them through a different way of thinking about it. I clarified the vocab. Today we lost the 'See' in favour of identify and describe/tell us WHAT makes you feel happy. Record on the Uni/Multi box. Back to the mat. We lost the 'Think' in favour of explain and elaborate in the Relational bubble. Record your example (draw or write a note). Back to the mat. We lost the 'Wonder' in favour of imagine in the Extended Abstract; think about this differently - how could YOU help someone else to feel happy? Record your idea - draw or write a note. Back to the mat.

Now, lets use this plan of mine to turn it into.... "Sentences". I modelled using 'Think aloud' strategies, modeling errors, and editing. They helped by suggesting interesting words. Then I asked them for my feedback. We are trying out the '2 Stars (achievements against LI) and a (next step) Wish' (Louise Dempsey, The Writing Book) strategy - and of course, you can see they knew exactly where to look to decide what they 'Wish' me to do next!

The writing examples from my learners today showed an evident improvement I thought; more divergence in thinking, a range of vocabulary and HFWs used and greater success against the learning goal. I'm always 'playing' and this is but a 'snapshot in time'. My next step, I began at lunch... Will undoubtedly be posted about later this week!

Overall I think this "See, think, wonder" format is a brilliant way to introduce using SOLO to help plan for and frame writing - this time I just needed to explain the simple vocab!!! The model is simple and progressive as SOLO is and can be made simple or complex as need be to meet the LI.

Here's my model (Phoenix is my daughter!)

Friday, 15 August 2014

Why SOLO Taxonomy? Answers from Year 1 learners.

Who better to tell us about how SOLO Taxonomy can help make next learning steps visible, than the learners who use it?

The context (yesterday): I asked my learners to think about something they can do now, that they couldn't do when they first started school. What was something they were 'Prestructural' at?  I then asked them how they thought they had learned to 'do' it? We use 'Think, Pair, Share' to allow time to process thoughts and encourage more learners to articulate their ideas (I find this especially helpful for ELLs).

The following are responses that learners wrote in books following our discussion. I encourage them to write; a specific genre or text type is not expected. Learners are familiarised with genre and text types through our reading programme. These responses have been typed exactly as they were written.

"If you just started at school and you don't know what to do, you will need help. Then you know a little bit more about your learning. Then you'll be up to Multistructural. Then you'll be up to relational then you can tell other people how to do it and you will be up to Extended Abstract." (Year 1)

"SOLO Taxonomy helps my learning. I do it step by step to learn. I like learning with SOLO Taxonomy. SOLO Taxonomy goes, I don't know, then I know one thing, then I know more than one thing, after that I link my ideas, then I show other people my ideas if you are really good at doing stuff like Miss Casse is. She can show us her skills and then our skills will be better. Miss Casse is an adult, we are children. She tells us sometimes but sometimes we tell her how to spell words too." (Year 1)

"SOLO helps you to learn your reading and writing and go up the reading ladder. SOLO is good for you and it is awesome for your learning because it helps you to know what to do." (Year 1)

We have visual references to SOLO Taxonomy all over our room; above the small modelling whiteboard, on the walls, HookEd Visual Rubrics on the tables, and specific rubrics displayed for most of our learning goals.We talk about 'what' and 'how' we are learning frequently so it becomes simply 'what they do'. They quickly adopt SOLO language of learning, the symbols, and more importantly, what they stand for. I find it really helps them to know how to give each other specific feedback about their learning goals when they share work with each other.

If you have any feedback or feedforward for my awesome learners, please comment and I will share it with them!

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Using SOLO Hexagons With Early Years Learners

I have found using hexagons to be a fantastic way to make learning visible in so many contexts. Being able to place and move hexagons around leads to learners making connections and being open to considering connections they might not have noticed before. 

I begin by asking them a question:
What do you know about.... and we generate ideas - as many as they wish onto blank hexagons - template available at Pam Hook's site

"But these kids can't write yet!" That's ok! Representing an idea can be done in many ways, have them draw their idea, tell you their idea and you scribe it, take a picture of their idea if it is concrete..."

Some questions I have asked when using hexagons are 
"What are you really great at?" & "What would you like to learn to do better?" (great questions for building personal connections at the beginning of the year)
"What are some living things that you know about?" (Intro to a 'Living World' Science focus)
"Who are some people who help us in our school environment?" (Health and Social Sciences focus)

An example I used in an ECE kindergarten setting was
"What is your favourite food?"

A Learning Intention might look like 'WALT describe how we relate to each other in Room __'

You will probably notice that these are 'low level/shallow' questions. This is because I want to generate Unistructural level responses with which we can use to work through the rubric. 

In the early years, when I am teaching learners to use SOLO Taxonomy, I use it more as a constructive teaching 'tool' (for want of a better word!), than an independent self assessment 'tool'. I have to scaffold them in to using it and teach them about it - just like I have to teach letter sounds, words, counting forwards and backwards... before they can apply these skills to reading, writing and solving maths problems.

If they are able to respond to the question onto a hexagon with a relevant idea, I help them notice this on the SOLO rubric (Unistructural). What is our next step? Where can we find out? 

We use the hand signals and indicate on the rubric. I bring students together and see if each can connect it to one other hexagon. (Multistructural - at this level, they don't need to explain why they connected it). We usually do this on large card on the floor. I usually model by using my own hexagon first and describing what it shows. Then I ask "Does anyone else have one that is a bit like mine, that can connect with mine?" Keep using the learning language!

There is always one that wants to join to the teacher's! But... Can they justify how it connects? I might need to help them with this - that's ok! They are 'Prestructural at using hexagons'! I expect them to need help! Once they can justify/explain a connection, they are moving into relation level against the learning intention. I use think, pair, shares a lot to encourage discussion between students. I ask them to describe their hexagon and talk about how it may connect to another.

When a learner has a contribution they can't or don't want to connect, we might ask others for help, or begin a new 'cluster'.

Be warned - kids will WOW you! And it's awesome! With my class of ECE learners, one learner wanted to connect her chicken to another learner's ice-cream... I couldn't rationalise this, so I asked her to "Tell me more, can you explain, can you tell me more about that?" (note the purposeful repetition and use of language). Her response "They are the same colour!" Further questioning led to me finding that her favourite flavour was caramel, not goody goody gumdrops! :-)

At this point, once we have made as many connections as the students wish, we can move them around if others have different ways to connect the hexagons - as long as they can justify it (or I can help them to). This is SUCH a great oral language generator! I absolutely use Google if there are any questions they want to clarify - why not? I don't know everything (like if Spider Crabs are a real thing... It's amazing what they ask!) and to not know, is ok, I'm a learner too!

To look at the hexagons overall, and make an Extended Abstract generalisation; 'looking at it all together', I ask them to stand up. They notice the clusters from another angle and I find this helps them see an overall picture. "Most of us are great at ...."  or "More people like...." or "Lots of us want to learn about...We could help us!" "We know lots of living things that live in water... We wonder...." And often that wondering can generate and inform your next planning step.

I name every child's contribution because it enables them to feel ownership of their idea. It also helps toward my own assessment, to ask them if they think they have contributed enough, and so parents and whanau can see and enjoy what their child has said. 

It's SO important to refer to the rubric and explain why they have met the particular level for this learning goal - this is what helps make the learning VISIBLE. 

This is only how I use hexagons... I'd love to hear and learn about how others use them! 

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Getting started with SOLO Taxonomy in a New Entrant or ECE Learning Environment

So having explored ways to introduce SOLO Taxonomy to our early years learners, I have found my most effective way; help them learn to physically 'DO' something while VISIBLY referring to the SOLO symbols and explaining the levels.

I think every class has some set routines that we expect our students to follow to prepare for the day, and every teacher of early years learners knows that teaching these 'routines' (or the unwritten curriculum) are as important as teaching the curriculum areas!

I ask myself: What is one thing I wish my learners would do, that they can't to now? I want to make it useful! Yes I want them to learn about the levels of SOLO Taxonomy, but I want to make it purposeful!

  • My learners aren't getting themselves ready for learning in the morning. (Prestructural at preparing themselves for the school day in my classroom)

  • I want my learners to hang their own bags up (I remind myself of this EVERY time I reach to pick up my daughter's bag!)   (Unistructural: DO ONE THING)

  • I want them to get their own lunch box out, their drink bottle out, their book bag out, go to the toilet. (Multistructural: DO MORE THAN ONE THING)

  • BUT now, I want them to know, and be able to explain WHY they are doing these things - and I don't want the answer to be "Because you told us to!" (Relational: MAKE A CONNECTION, EXPLAIN)

  • AND what if... as new learners enter/begin in our new entrant class, or we notice some learners are still at a Unistructural or Multistructural level for this goal... What if some learners began teaching this skill to other learners? (Extended Abstract: APPLYING TO A DIFFERENT CONTEXT/THINKING IN A NEW WAY)

But... They can't read yet! No problem - most of them are great 'talkers' let's talk about this a lot!
Let's use the SOLO hand signs +Pam Hook created.
Let's take photos of what these actions look like and place them beside the symbols.
Let's model and act it out.
Let's draw ourselves doing each action.
Get the oral language skills flowing!

If you are unistructural at using SOLO with your learners, you may wish to create the rubric yourself - but do use Pam Hook's SOLO Learning Outcome generator! to save you time & energy - she did this for us!

If you are using SOLO already, you might like to try co-constructing the rubric with your learners - Ask the above question of your kids: What do we need to do to get ready for learning? And add the SOLO symbols and vocab as they give their responses.

Here's a rubric my class co-created with me this year in week 1:

This is one way - there are an infinite ways to introduce SOLO Taxonomy, as it is applicable to anything anyone might want to learn. I hope others might comment and share their own so I can learn more! 

Monday, 11 August 2014

Why Visibly Learning in the Early Years?

2010 was transformational for me. I noticed & connected with SOLO Taxonomy (Biggs & Collis,1982) thanks to the outstanding +Pam Hook @arti_choke

I noticed it because I HAD to - I was expected to help lead a curriculum that was underpinned by it!
I connected with it because I HAD to - once I experienced the 'lightbulb' moment, I couldn't ignore the beam! SOLO made sense. It's learning! The world and all learning experiences around me began to be translated into rubrics. The learning process became so visible!

I have my own inquisitive, thoughtful young learner, who is my greatest teacher too; who delights and inspires me every single day.
I teach early years learners (Year 0/1)

I wondered:
When, during my own life, was I exposed to the greatest amount of new experiences?
Aren't our youngest children so experienced at exploring their world?
Opening their eyes, noticing the world, creating connections with those around them... Discovering how to make their body move in different ways, learning that certain actions invoke reactions from those around them... Exploring with their senses, touching, smelling, tasting... First days at Kohanga Reo, kindergarten, playcentre... Then school... It's all new!

I started asking questions. Lots of questions! Of myself, my practice, my pedagogy, (which I have always identified as a 'work in progress')
"Why", "but why", and probably most importantly, "why NOT?" Doesn't that sound like it's straight out of the mouth of a 2 year old?

Q. How often did I talk with my learners about 'what' they were 'doing'? A. Quite a lot.
Q. How often did I talk with my learners about how they are 'doing' it? A. Less often.
Q. How often did I talk with my learners about where else they might 'do' this? A. Less often again.

How often did I 'simplify' words to 'help' my early years learners understand something that adults perceive to be too difficult for them to understand?

Pam profoundly spoke at Learning @ Schools in 2010 about dinosaurs and pokemon; if a young child can manage the words Tyrannosaurus Rex, why shouldn't we expect them to use the correct learning verbs?

As a younger learner, I think I missed that week at school when we changed 'Let's write about...' to 'Write a detailed analysis of...' Detail - fine, analysis - huh?
I loved writing, but I always seemed to find a 'C' or at best a 'B' on my paper! I didn't know HOW to improve; how to keep that B, or turn it into an A! I thought it was just the luck of the draw. I felt like I tried hard. I wrote my notes, regurgitated facts, lots of them. Some kids were just 'Smart'. Insight about SOLO and Mindsets now explains for me exactly where I was going wrong!

My Learning Outcomes were at best Multistructural. I had my facts, but I wasn't aware of how to connect them or when I was connecting them, let alone applying them to an overall understanding or new context.  It wasn't about me, it was about HOW I was learning and representing it. It wasn't about lack of effort, it was about misguided effort.
SOLO Taxonomy labels the learning, not the learner, but even better, the learner can identify their very next step in order to improve the learning.

WHAT IF I taught my learners to notice the HOW of learning from DAY 1 at school?
Help to make the learning process VISIBLE so they could apply it to learning anything?

What if I VISIBLY learned with them? We are all learners, right? We all have Prestructural understandings about things, we all have Extended Abstract understandings too, and I'm sure some talent IS natural, but isn't there always room for more learning? I don't see Extended Abstract as a finite end - it could be depending on the learning goal, but it could be the beginning of the next goal too.

What if I made my own learning VISIBLE beyond my classroom?
Thanks to +Sonya Van Schaijik #edchatnz meme challenge, I had to, now because I have enjoyed this, I want to.

I find SOLO is so cleverly simple, but can be made as complex as the learning intention requires it to be!
If you need to find out more about SOLO Taxonomy as I did - your next step must be toward our own NZ guru

SO now I'm Visibly Learning with my Early Years Learners, and in the Early Years of my own Next steps... 

Now I'm visibly sharing too! 

Next Step: Write a shorter blog! :-)

Sunday, 10 August 2014

Finally taking my next blogging step! #EdchatNZ Meme challenge

I want to keep the connections going and make more connections. So maybe a blogging meme will work." Reid Walker @ReidHns1

Well   It was going to be tricky for me to complete the challenge if I didn't kickstart the blog first!
Unsure if it was an intentional or unintentional move...but it's worked- thank you! My blog has been sitting, unused for a long, LONG time so it's high time I made a move from Prestructural to Unistructural in my blogging journey. 

What better way than to celebrate the virtual & f2f connections that were made at the #edchatnz Conference this weekend? 

If you get included in the blogging meme: copy/paste the questions and instructions into your own blog then fill out your own answers. Share on twitter tagging 5 friends.

1. How did you attend the #Edchatnz Conference? (Face 2 Face, followed online or didn't)
I attended virtually on Friday and f2f Saturday.

2. How many others attended from your school or organisation?
I was flying SOLO at this one ;-) 

3.How many #Edchatnz challenges did you complete?
Connected f2f with lots of people who I've respected hugely on Twitter for a long time.
Had a Post It on the head moment with +Danielle Myburgh @MissDtheTeacher   +Matt Nicoll @mattynicoll & +Maurie Abraham @maurieabraham showing our SOLO level of enabling connections. Bringing another level to face 2 face perhaps!

Had a 'coding in the carpark connection' with +Tanya Gray @tanya

Got a few Grelfies
Glasses Grelfie with +Justine Driver   and @AKeenReader Embedded image permalink
SOLO Grelfie (hehe) with @mattynicoll   

Dancing Grelfie with @JennieSStewart (who not only cracked but smashed out of her egg & began making an omelette!) and @ariaporo22 
 Embedded image permalink

4. Who are 3 people that you connected with and what did you learn from them?
@arti_choke   @mattynicoll  

 What can't you learn from my Eduhero? Learn to learn & learn to teach learning to learn strategies from this woman; know empowerment. 

Matty; I must hear more about your periodic table #SOLO supercity! Go Hexagons too!
Sonya; this post is evidence...

5. What session are you gutted that you missed?
I would have LOVED to have been physically present at the debate... But I loved that I received responses to my questions on the #edchatNZ stream
6. Who is one person that you would like to have taken to Edchatnz and what key thing would they have learned?
Just one other member from our staff, I will make it happen next year! It only takes that very 'next step to begin the dance...
7. Is there a person you didn’t get to meet/chat with (F2F/online) that you wished you had? Why

@NZScienceLearn - we've had many virtual science chats, would have been great to meet in person.
@NixRichards Would have loved to chat and compare teaching HPE using SOLO in college and early primary! 

8. What is the next book you are going to read and why?

Bounce by Mathew Syad
Because of who suggested it, I know it will benefit my personal learning journey. #personalisedlearning for teachers too!
9. What is one thing you plan to do to continue the Education Revolution you learnt about at #EdchatNZ?

I'm going to wear my lanyard proudly - I want people to ask "What's that?" To which I will answer "Instant access to a genuine community of not great, but brilliant, innovative, energetic, educators. What more could we need?" 

Our answers are truly in our room - but even better, we are asking each other big, important questions & inspiring each other to dig deeper.

I am going to make the MOST out of the incredibly generous offer from @CognitionEdu to spend a day with my eduhero! What a fantastic way to keep the learning and collaborating going - I am very lucky!

I will present on using SOLO & visible learning strategies with Early Years Learners at #TeachMeetNZ and at ULearn for #CENZ14

Oops - that's more than 1... It is my personal project to share more!

10. Will you take a risk and hand your students a blank canvas?
I'm not sure if anyone's canvas is blank, or they are all already full. 
But I sure as heck want them to decide how to make it 3, no 4D! 

Who do will I tag with this meme:

@stephcamp1 (virtual attendee)

Listly challenge: Check!

SOLO Learning outcome: Unistructural and guess what...I know my next step. ;-)
Thanks everyone for adding so much to my learning this weekend.
Have a fabulous week!