I want to keep the connections going and make more connections. So maybe a blogging meme will work." Reid Walker @ReidHns1
Well @vanschaijik It was going to be tricky for me to complete the challenge if I didn't kickstart the blog first!
Unsure if it was an intentional or unintentional move...but it's worked- thank you! My blog has been sitting, unused for a long, LONG time so it's high time I made a move from Prestructural to Unistructural in my blogging journey.
What better way than to celebrate the virtual & f2f connections that were made at the #edchatnz Conference this weekend?
If you get included in the blogging meme: copy/paste the questions and instructions into your own blog then fill out your own answers. Share on twitter tagging 5 friends.
1. How did you attend the #Edchatnz Conference? (Face 2 Face, followed online or didn't)
I attended virtually on Friday and f2f Saturday.
I attended virtually on Friday and f2f Saturday.
2. How many others attended from your school or organisation?
I was flying SOLO at this one ;-)
3.How many #Edchatnz challenges did you complete?
Connected f2f with lots of people who I've respected hugely on Twitter for a long time.
Had a Post It on the head moment with +Danielle Myburgh @MissDtheTeacher +Matt Nicoll @mattynicoll & +Maurie Abraham @maurieabraham showing our SOLO level of enabling connections. Bringing another level to face 2 face perhaps!
Had a 'coding in the carpark connection' with +Tanya Gray @tanya
Got a few Grelfies
Glasses Grelfie with +Justine Driver @digitallearnin and @AKeenReader 
SOLO Grelfie (hehe) with @mattynicoll
Dancing Grelfie with @JennieSStewart (who not only cracked but smashed out of her egg & began making an omelette!) and @ariaporo22

4. Who are 3 people that you connected with and what did you learn from them?
@arti_choke @mattynicoll
What can't you learn from my Eduhero? Learn to learn & learn to teach learning to learn strategies from this woman; know empowerment.
What can't you learn from my Eduhero? Learn to learn & learn to teach learning to learn strategies from this woman; know empowerment.
Matty; I must hear more about your periodic table #SOLO supercity! Go Hexagons too!
Sonya; this post is evidence...
5. What session are you gutted that you missed?
I would have LOVED to have been physically present at the debate... But I loved that I received responses to my questions on the #edchatNZ stream
6. Who is one person that you would like to have taken to Edchatnz and what key thing would they have learned?
Just one other member from our staff, I will make it happen next year! It only takes that very 'next step to begin the dance...
7. Is there a person you didn’t get to meet/chat with (F2F/online) that you wished you had? Why
@NZScienceLearn - we've had many virtual science chats, would have been great to meet in person.
@NixRichards Would have loved to chat and compare teaching HPE using SOLO in college and early primary!
@NZScienceLearn - we've had many virtual science chats, would have been great to meet in person.
@NixRichards Would have loved to chat and compare teaching HPE using SOLO in college and early primary!
8. What is the next book you are going to read and why?
Bounce by Mathew Syad
Because of who suggested it, I know it will benefit my personal learning journey. #personalisedlearning for teachers too!
Because of who suggested it, I know it will benefit my personal learning journey. #personalisedlearning for teachers too!
9. What is one thing you plan to do to continue the Education Revolution you learnt about at #EdchatNZ?
I'm going to wear my lanyard proudly - I want people to ask "What's that?" To which I will answer "Instant access to a genuine community of not great, but brilliant, innovative, energetic, educators. What more could we need?"
Our answers are truly in our room - but even better, we are asking each other big, important questions & inspiring each other to dig deeper.
I'm going to wear my lanyard proudly - I want people to ask "What's that?" To which I will answer "Instant access to a genuine community of not great, but brilliant, innovative, energetic, educators. What more could we need?"
Our answers are truly in our room - but even better, we are asking each other big, important questions & inspiring each other to dig deeper.
I am going to make the MOST out of the incredibly generous offer from @CognitionEdu to spend a day with my eduhero! What a fantastic way to keep the learning and collaborating going - I am very lucky!
I will present on using SOLO & visible learning strategies with Early Years Learners at #TeachMeetNZ and at ULearn for #CENZ14
Oops - that's more than 1... It is my personal project to share more!
10. Will you take a risk and hand your students a blank canvas?
I'm not sure if anyone's canvas is blank, or they are all already full. But I sure as heck want them to decide how to make it 3, no 4D!
Who do will I tag with this meme:
@stephcamp1 (virtual attendee)
@stephcamp1 (virtual attendee)
SOLO Learning outcome: Unistructural and guess what...I know my next step. ;-)
Thanks everyone for adding so much to my learning this weekend.
Have a fabulous week!
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