Monday, 27 October 2014

Making Learning Visible with #SOLOTaxonomy; EdTalk & Talking Ed

Filming - the camera; my favourite 'app'. 
My learners LOVE to watch themselves on the 'big screen'! They notice what they did, they wonder why, they consider how they might do things differently (see, think, wonder). They laugh, they smile - they delight in it! I do wish my reaction to seeing myself on film was a little more like this!

My awesome team of educators and I frequently film short snippets of ourselves teaching for self-review and reflection (it is a school expectation - but is something I have been encouraged to do since I began teaching). I frequently film myself as part of my self-review and reflection as a leader too - filming meetings, analysing my actions and asking for feedback from my team. I find it can be hard to watch myself, but once I disassociate from emotions and analyse the practice - focus on the learning not the learner - I find it a really powerful - disruptive - experience. It can confirm and consolidate and make you notice what you might not otherwise have seen, from other perspectives. I can then give myself feedback - and if I'm looking at the rubric - I can decide what to do with it... Usually, I choose to make a change. I can always improve and there is always a new next step, or goal to meet. 

My second EdTalk was published late last week, thanks @janenicholls @jedd and @mlintott for creating such an inviting climate for me to share this snapshot of my learning journey, and for all the work behind the scenes to prepare it for publishing! 

I had analysed and learnt from watching my first EdTalk and set new goals for this time around. I enjoyed noticing an improvement. There are, of course, still aspects I would change and improve, but it's organic and unscripted. It is me sharing; describing what I do, considering why, and wondering... Feedback is welcome. 

My description...
"Our youngest children are very experienced learners already! They naturally explore and wonder, they ask questions... The feedback we give children is important - it can encourage and re-enforce mindsets. I use SOLO Taxonomy with 5 year old learners, from their first day at school because it empowers; learners begin to notice 'how' they are learning, and what their next step could be. They can then apply the model to anything they want to (or need to) learn - what an important 'tool' for 'life-long learners' to have!"

Links to find out more...  HookEd Educational Consultancy @arti_choke
Mindset. How You Can Fulfill Your Potential - Carol Dweck
Kids Can Teach Themselves - Sugata Mitra

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